At St. Margaret’s we love welcoming new folks to our services. If you have specific questions, you might find a few helpful answers here, or simply give us a call and we’ll make sure to look out for you when you come!
Where is the church located?
When are the services and what are they like?
8:30 am Quiet Communion Service
This is a service for people who are comfortable with reverent silence. There are usually 12 to 20 people in attendance. On the second and fourth Sunday of the month we follow the Book of Common Prayer, which has been in continuous use [in the Anglican Church] for over 400 years. On the other Sundays we use the Book of Alternative Services (1985).
10:30 am Sung Communion Service with Sunday School
The 10:30 service is St. Margaret’s largest weekly gathering. This music-filled service normally follows the Book of Alternative Services and is followed by refreshments downstairs in the hall. Members of the congregation fill many important roles, singing in the choir, serving at the altar, reading scripture, leading the prayers of the people, bringing forward bread and wine for communion, serving communion and teaching the children in Sunday school.
What should I wear?
Will I fit in?
What happens when I come in?
Where do I sit?
How will I know what to do?
Do my children stay with me?
Do I need to bring anything?
What about taking Holy Communion?
At Communion time people come up row by row and stand or kneel along the altar rail, or come to those giving communion standing on the lower level. This alternative is especially good for anyone for whom the stairs would pose a difficulty. You are welcome to take both the bread and the wine, or just the bread alone. If for any reason you would rather not take communion at all, you are still encouraged to come to the altar rail to receive a blessing. If this is what you would like, simply indicate your intention by crossing your arms over your chest. You’re also perfectly welcome to remain in your seat during this part of the service.
If you have mobility concerns and would like communion brought to you, just signal an usher and they’ll make it happen for you.
What happens after the service?
I’m shy coming to a new place. How do I get to know people?
If you want to be anonymous for a while, we respect that.